Topics for Exam II
Fall 2005
Principles of Microeconomics
Wednesday November 9
Chapters 11, 6, 8, 12, 5, 13, 14
You will probably want a calculator for this exam
I. The Role of Government (Con't.)
A. Market Failure (con't.)
1. Monopoly
a. price too high, quantity too low
b. policy
i. antitrust
ii. regulation
iii.public ownership
2. The problem of public goods
a. non-rival and non-excludable
b. private markets won't provide
an efficient amount
c. quasi-public goods
i. open
access resources (overuse)
ii. excludable
public goods (quantity too low)
d. Policy
B. Address income distribution
1. taxes deductions and credits
2. transfers
3. special programs and market intervention
a. price floors
b. price ceilings
c. quota
C. Macroeconomic Policy
1. stabilization
a. expansionary policy reduces unemployment
i. fiscal: increase government spending, decrease taxes
ii. monetary: decrease interest rates, increase money supply
b. contractionary policy reduces inflation
i. fiscal: decrease government spending, increase taxes
ii. monetary:
increase interest rates, decrease money supply
2. growth
a. enhance supply of productive resources
b. efficient use of resources
c. long-run goal
D. Taxes
1. sales tax analysis
a. price to consumer increases
b. quantity decreases
c. price to producer decreases
d. revenue to government
e. deadweight loss
C. Cost Benefit Analysis
1. methods
2. problems
a. valuing non-monetary cost or benefits
b. subject to manipulation
D. Public Choice Theory
1. voters
a. rent-seeking
b. rational ignorance
2. politicians
3. civil servants
II. Elasticity
A. Price elasticity of Demand
1. inelastic, elastic, unitary elastic
2. elasticity and total revenue
3. determinants of elasticity
B. Cross elasticity
1. complements
2. substitutes
3. unrelated goods
C. Income elasticity
1. normal goods
2. inferior goods
D. Elasticity of Supply
1. inelastic, elastic, unitary elastic
2. determinants of elasticity
3. long run and short run
III. Short run costs
A. total fixed cost
B. total variable cost
C. total cost
D. average fixed cost
E. average variable cost
F. average total cost
G. marginal cost
IV. Other Cost concepts
A. implict and explict costs
B. dimishing returns and increasing marginal cost
C. marginal and average cost
1. U-shaped
2. minimum average cost is at intersection of AC and
D. Costs and Profit
1. profit (P>ATC)
2. loss (P<ATC)
3. breakeven (P=ATC)
E. Sunk Costs
1. unrecoverable
2. no opportunity cost
3. no impact on operating or exit decisions
4. only affect entry decision
V. Profit Maximization
A. Economic Profit
1. profit = total revenue - total cost
2. best quantity: marginal revenue = marginal cost
3. find price on demand curve at q*
B. Economic Loss
1. exit (only in long run)
2. short run
a. minimize loss
b. shutdown
C. Breakeven
1. firm is covering all its costs
2. no excess profit
D. The Long Run
1. Entry and Exit
a. impact on industry
b. impact on firm
VI. Market Structure
A. Market structures
1. competition
2. monopoly
3. oligopoly
4. monopolistic competition
B. Industry versus individual firm demand
1. monopoly: firm = market
2. oligopoly: firm demand is only part of market
3. monopolistic competition: firm is a small part of
large market
4. competition: firm is an infinitesimal part of market
a. competitive
firms are price takers
b. firm
demand is horizontal
VII. Competition
A. Market and representative firm
1. market determines price
2. firm can sell any quantity it desires at market price (infinitely elastic
3. profit maximization (MC=MR)
B. marginal cost and supply
C. profits, losses, and breakeven for the competitive firm
1. compare price to average total cost
2. shutdown conditions: P<AVC
D. competition in the long run
1. profits attract entry
2. losses cause exit
3. long run competitive equilibrium
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