When lists of numbers are output they are sent to the Java Console Output window.
For simple input and output TextFields are used with ActionListeners to wait for
user to enter values. You can enter new values whenever you like without rerunning program.
product | product2 | series |
series_test | tasks | Local Variables |
import java.awt.*; public class product { public static void main(String args[]) { double m = 2; double a = 4; double f = m*a; System.out.println(String.valueOf(f)); //print to Java Console } }
Program seriesimport java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class product2 extends Frame implements ActionListener { TextField in1,in2,out1; public static void main(String args[]) { product2 pr2 = new product2(); } public product2() { setSize(500,200); init(); setVisible(true); } public void init() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // use a Layout manager in1 = new TextField("Enter mass here"); in2 = new TextField("Enter acceleration here"); out1 = new TextField("Force given here"); in1.addActionListener(this); // call actionPerformed when in2.addActionListener(this); // numbers entered in these TextFields add(in1); add(in2); add(out1); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Double m = new Double(in1.getText().trim()); //use Double class to convert string to number Double a = new Double(in2.getText().trim()); double f = m.doubleValue()*a.doubleValue(); out1.setText(String.valueOf(f)); // output to TextField } }
import java.awt.*; public class series { public static void main(String args[]) { /* add the first 100 terms of a simple series */ double sum = 0; for(int n = 1; n <= 100; n++) { sum = sum + 1.0/(n*n); System.out.println(n + " " + sum); } } }
import java.awt.*; public class series_test { public static void main(String args[]) { /* illustrate use of while loop */ double sum = 0; // initialize variables int n = 0; double relative_change = 1; // choose large value while(relative_change > 0.0001) { n++; // shorthand for n = n +1 double newterm = 1.0/(n*n); sum += newterm; // shorthand for sum = sum + newterm relative_change = newterm/sum; System.out.println(n + " " + relative_change + " " + sum); } } }
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Tasks extends Frame implements ActionListener{ TextField in1,in2,out1,out2; public static void main(String args[]) { Tasks t = new Tasks(); } public Tasks() { setSize(500,200); init(); setVisible(true); } public void init() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); in1 = new TextField(" "); in2 = new TextField(" "); out1 = new TextField(" Sum Here "); out2 = new TextField(" Product Here "); in1.addActionListener(this); in2.addActionListener(this); add(in1); add(in2); add(out1); add(out2); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Double x = new Double(in1.getText().trim()); Double y = new Double(in2.getText().trim()); double sum = add(x.doubleValue(),y.doubleValue()); double product = multiply(x.doubleValue(),y.doubleValue()); out1.setText("Sum = " + String.valueOf(sum)); out2.setText("Product = " + String.valueOf(product)); } public double add(double x, double y) { return x+y; } public double multiply(double x, double y) { return x*y; } }
Passing values in and out of methods
public class Scope { public static void main(String args[]) { Scope sc = new Scope(); sc.testScope(); } public void testScope() { int x = 10; addOne(x); System.out.println(x); } private void addOne(int s) { s = s + 1; } }
One solution to obtaining the new value of x is to list x as a variable for the class as follows. This program outputs the value 11.
public class Scope { int x = 10; // accessible to all methods in class public static void main(String args[]) { Scope sc = new Scope(); sc.testScope(); } public void testScope() { addOne(); System.out.println(x); } private void addOne() { x = x + 1; } }
This solution however should only be used if x is a variable used by a number of methods. If only one value is needed from the method then the cleanest procedure is to return the value as shown below.
public class Scope { public static void main(String args[]) { Scope sc = new Scope(); sc.testScope(); } public void testScope() { int x = 10; x = addOne(x); System.out.println(x); } private int addOne(int x) { x = x + 1; return x; } }
Another trick way is to put x in an object. This way the address of the object is passed and any change in the values within the object remain after the method is returned. The simplest object to use is a one element array as shown below.
public class Scope { public static void main(String args[]) { Scope sc = new Scope(); sc.testScope(); } public void testScope() { int x[] = {10}; addOne(x); System.out.println(x[0]); } private void addOne(int s[] ) { s[0] = s[0] + 1; } }