“"Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: Role in Cancer and Neurodegenerative
Diseases". Kalamazoo College, Faculty Seminar, February,
“"Confronting Terrorism: Facts and Myths about Anthrax".
Kalamazoo College, Faculty Public Forum, November, 2001.
“"Nitric Oxide Synthase & Alzheimers Disease".
Calvin College, October, 2001.
“"Feeding Hungry Children the ABCs of Science".
Regional ACS meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, June, 2001.
“"Nitric Oxide Synthase: The Bad, The Ugly, The Good".
University of Toledo, March 2001.
- Select Peer Reviewed(Undergraduate Student Contributors are
Gribovskaja, I., Brownlow, K. C., Dennis, S. J., Rosko, A. J.,
Marletta, M., and Stevens-Truss, R. Calcium Binding Sites of
Calmodulin and Electron Transfer by Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase.
Submitted to Biochemistry, September, 2004.
Stevens-Truss, R., Brownlow, K. C., Marletta, M. A. and Michel,
T. Inactivation of Nitric Oxide Synthase by Caveolin. In Preparation,
for Submission to Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics,
December, 2004.
Esson, J., Thomas, A., and Stevens-Truss, R. Service-Learning
in Introductory Chemistry: Supplementing Chemistry Curriculum in Elementary
Schools. Provisionally accepted by the Journal of Chemical Education,
initially submitted June 2003 (revisions submitted January, 2004).
Furge, L. L, Fields, P. R., Goode, W. E., Konwinski, R. R., Tressler,
M. C., and Stevens-Truss, R. Oltipraz Inhibits Inducible
Nitric Oxide Synthase in vitro and Inhibits Nitric Oxide Production
in Activated Microglial Cells. Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics
(2004) 424: 163-170.
Hinman, C. L., Stevens-Truss, R., Schwarz, C. J., and Hudson,
R. A. Sequence Determinants of Modified Cobra Venom Neurotoxin Which
Induce Immune Resistance to Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis:
Molecular Mechanisms for Immunological Actions. Immonopharmacology
and Immunotoxicology (1999) 21 (3):483-506.
Hinman, C. L. and Stevens-Truss, R. In-Line Affinity Chromatographic
Removal of Specific Antibodies from Rabbits with Experimental Myasthenia
Gravis as a Prelude to Immunotherapy. Immonopharmacology and Immunotoxicology
(1998) 20 (2):233-249.
Stevens-Truss, R., Beckingham, K. and Marletta, M. A.
Calcium Binding Sites of Calmodulin and Electron Transfer by Neuronal
Nitric Oxide Synthase. Biochemistry (1997) 36 (40): 12337-12345.
Stevens-Truss, R. and Hinman, C. L. Activities of Cobra
Venom Cytotoxins toward Heart and Leukemic T cells Depend on Localized
Amino Acid Differences. Toxicon (1997) 35 (5):659-669.
Stevens-Truss, R. and Hinman, C. L. Chemical Modification
of Methionines in Cobra Venom Cytotoxin Differentiates Between Lytic
and Binding Domains. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
(1996) 139 (2):234-242.
Stevens-Truss, R. and Marletta, M. A. Interaction of Calmodulin
with the Inducible Murine Macrophage Nitric Oxide Synthase. Biochemistry
(1995) 34 (48):15638-15645.
- Recent Meeting Abstracts with Undergraduate Student Contributors
Rosko, A. J., Winter, M. B., and Stevens-Truss, R. "Mapping
the Interactions of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase and Calmodulin by
Limited Proteolysis Followed by MALDI-TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometry."
36th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
Peoria, IL, October, 2004. (Accepted for poster presentation)
Sherman, R. F. and Stevens-Truss, R. "Analysis of
the BV2 Proteome in Response to Select Cell Activators by 2D-Gel Electrophoresis
and MALDI-TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometry." 36th Great Lakes Regional
Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Peoria, IL, October, 2004.
(Accepted for poster presentation)
Furge, L. L., Fields, P. R., Goode, W. E., Tressler, M. C.,
and Stevens-Truss, R. "Inhibition of Inducible Nitric Oxide
Synthase Activity by Oltipraz in vitro and in Activated Microglial Cells"
13th International Conference on Cytochrome P450: Biochemistry, Biophysics,
and Molecular Biology, Prague, Czech Republic, June 29 July 3,
Goode, W. and Stevens-Truss, R. "Effects of Solvent
Composition on the Active Site of Nitric Oxide Synthase". Pew Midstates
Science and Mathematics Consortium, Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences, November, 2002..
Stevens-Truss, R. and Marletta, M. A, and Brownlow, K.
"Calmodulin binds differently to Neuronal and Inducible Nitric Oxide
Synthase: Role of Calcium in the Interactions." 14th Annual Signal
Transduction Symposium, May, 2001.
Stevens-Truss, R., Marletta, M. A., and Brownlow, K.
"Inducible and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase are Differentially Regulated
by Calmodulin." ASBMB Meeting, April, 2001.
Brownlow, K. and Stevens-Truss, R. "Activity of
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Requires Calcium at Either Site I or
site III of Calmodulin." XX Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference,
September 2000.