
from Beyond Outside
alphabetical by author

Rein Kirss

Utah Summer  Summer 1997
A few photos

Gary Krueger

Roadkill December 1995
        A Minnesota feature

Ice fishing in Minnesota January 1996 ('97?)
        it gets cold

PC Noble

Chuck Stull

Land of Many Soups August 1997
            A Trip to Ecuador

A New Year in the Dominican Republic January 1997
        story and photos

Beyond the Yellow River June 1994
        A journey in China

 Outside Kalamazoo January 1998
        suggested activities with links

Outside New Orleans January 1992 ('93?)
        a story from the swamp and a page of links

There Are No Saguaro in Muskegon Winter 1994
        but there are no luge runs in the desert. . .

Steve Stull

Steve and Jeanne's excellent adventure September and October 1998
        A few photos from Iceland, Denmark, Finland

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revised December 1999